A new, cheap, million-mile battery from Tesla is being prepared for production in China. The company is working on an in-house secret project that aims to produce its own battery cells using technology developed by Tesla’s in-house teams. Producing a battery at a price below $100 per kilowatt hour is an absolute leader. New Tesla…

Remember that the 12th of May 2020 was the height of the pandemic when Donald Trump tweeted: “California must let Tesla and @elonmusk open the plant, NOW. This can be done quickly and safely! And that’s at a time when all the major car factories were closed. Who lobbies and promotes who? Whose project is…

Bills are being introduced around the world to prohibit the sale of cars with internal combustion engines. The movement was initiated by the European Commission, which pursues a policy to reduce CO2 emissions under the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015. “With the entry into force of the Paris Agreement, the international community has committed itself…

It is quite common to think that electric cars are as environmentally friendly as traditional cars with petrol or diesel engines because the production of the battery is very toxic and, moreover, when charging the battery burns the same non-renewable fuel. Does it burn the same non-renewable fuel? Let’s get this straight. How much lower…

Renewable energy is the only source of energy for which demand is likely to grow during the remainder of 2020, regardless of the length of the blockage caused by the pandemic or the strength of the recovery. Global demand for coal has been hit hardest, falling by almost 8%. Oil demand has also been hit…

During 2020 the first quarter of Q1 the market for electric vehicles (ECV) in the European Union doubled (+100.7%) to 167,132 vehicles. If we add EFT countries (+5.2%) and the UK (+118.9%), the growth was 81.7% to 228,210 cars. The market for electric cars in the EU and EFTA countries increased by more than 100…